
In Yearbook, one of my main roles is to edit and approve spreads.


I use this first checklist to make sure that all of the basic elements are present on the spread.

Team: __________________
Spread Week: _________ Page(s) #: __________ Module Headline:__________
Deadline Date:__________

1. Copy
_ Spelling/Grammar checked (run spell check in InDesign)
_ No Taboo Words
_ Covered people not yet in the book. (CHECK COVERAGE REPORT FOR ZEROS)
_ Variety of people used (One from each grade, combination of male and female,
Staff/Parents…if relevant)
_ All stories are attributed (ie: “Story by zzz”)
_ Quotations are engaging, unique, story-telling quotations.
_ Modules have unique angle specific to this year
_ Name, Grade of each student in story

2. Photos/Graphics
_ Photos in focus, appropriate lighting, cropped properly, not pixilated.
_ All photos are attributed (ie: “Photo by zzz”)
_ Dominant photographs relate to the unique angle of the module.
_ Design of module/story is consistent with theme/feel of the entire book

3. Headlines/Captions
_ Headline connects the unique angle to the image and the story (ie instead of “Girls’
Volleyball,” try “That’s a Lift”).
_ Captions describe the action in the photo not obvious from looking at it.
_ First sentence of the caption is in the present tense; Second/Third sentence in past tense.
_ Don’t begin with the student’s name.
_ Follow ABC caption poster
_ Captions indicate when and where the action is taking place.


I use this checklist for the Proof pages that we receive back from the plant for final review before the pages get printed. This spreadsheet was designed to make sure that everything is consistent and to double check a few of the basics, such as spelling and name-checking.

Spread Title: ___________________

Team: _____  Editor: ______ Date: __ EIC Seen: YES / NO

Check to make sure the following things are consistent on each spread:


  • Font color is ONE color and is used as an accent color, not the dominant color.


    • Every photo MUST have a caption
    • Every module has photo and story by’s and LEAD with the story by.
      • Format: Story by _____. Photo(s) By ____.
      • Multiple photographers?
        • Put a photo by with each photo
      • Only one photographer?
        • Don’t put photo by’s after every photo, just put “Photos by Emily Martin” following the story by
      • Multiple writers?
        • Put two or more names at the end of the module
    • The dominant module must have the largest headline (font size) and everything else needs to be smaller and correlate to the size of the module (approx.)
    • Headlines: Combination of AHJ Urbano Light and Portland LDO Regular
      • ALL CAPS, one font is black and one font has pull color
    • Subheads: Portland LDO Italic
      • NOT ALL CAPS, never has pull color
  • Captions
      • Kicker: AHJ Urbano Ultra
        • ALL CAPS, always pull color
      • Rest of Caption: AHJ Urbano Regular
        • NOT ALL CAPS, never has pull color
      • We are NOT labeling with numbers when photo packages have less than 5 photos, so please use describing words such as TOP MIDDLE BOTTOM LEFT RIGHT to indicate which photo the caption is for.
  • Pull Quotes: Portland LDO Regular
  • ALL CAPS, quote is always black, name and grade is the pull color


  • NEVER lead with a name, even for the sidebar module.
  • A student’s name must be followed by a grade
    • Emily Martin, 12


    • Name MUST follow the quote
    • Name and quote are black.
    • Name and grade must be in all caps
  • Name and grade must be the same weight as the quote


Editing Process

BEFORE                                AFTER


Using the checklists above, I was able to edit this module. The first thing that I noticed is that the subheadline font wasn’t the one we were using anywhere else in the book. I also went in and took out abbreviations in the subheadline and in the caption. I added some more information to the caption to make it longer and more in depth. I changed the font colors for the entire spread and I made the headline bigger.

For each spread I will go through and make comments on what needs to change or what still needs to be done. I give these back to the spread editor for them to look at. I decided to do this because I wanted everyone to learn and improve their work but they couldn’t do that if I went in and made the changes for them.

Comments for Deadline 1.1 – Week 5 Chronological Spread
  • Week 5 Chrono
    • Need to fix “change of pace” headline so it is easier to read
      • Try changing the words with pull color and white/black to see what works best.
    • BCA Module needs
      • Headline
      • Finished design work
      • Subhead
      • Take out the “snowboard” titles and put either “survivor” or something else to highlight how they were affected a little bit.
      • Headshots.
      • Logan Williamson has been interviewed for sidebar questions twice already, he needs to be taken out and another person needs to be interviewed instead.
      • Sidebar names HAVE to be at the end and the same font size and weight as the quote.
      • Put in headshots and quotes.
    • Double check every photo and module has story and photo by’s.
      • Format: Story by _____. Photo(s) By ____.
    • ODS Title shouldn’t be overlapping the photo, it’s covering faces can’t happen.
    • Una dia mod needs a story by.

The editor made the changes that they agreed with and turned in a great spread for the deadline.
