
Yearbook Photography 2017-2018

I took photos of the choir’s Christmas performance at The Grotto. I hadn’t photographed a choir performance before so it was a fun challenge to figure out how to capture the moment correctly.



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WLHSnow Photography 2017-2018

I took my camera with me on a class field trip I had for AP Environmental Science and I published the photos I took on WLHSnow.


On a shuttle field trip to Browns Ferry Park in Tualatin, the AP Environmental Science class learns about native plants. Jim Hartmann, AP Envi Sci teacher, hold up a plant the students are trying to identify. The class is in a plant and bird identification unit and takes to the outdoors to learn plant and bird names.


Out in nature, Jim Hartmann praises Jen Metza for correctly identifying a plant based on its leaf. The group ventured off the trail in order to find more plant species. “QUOTE”

As they look out onto the pond, students try to identify different duck species in the pond. Browns Ferry Park is one of the few maintained wetlands in Tualatin and attracts many kinds of ducks and other birds.


As soon as everyone got off the bus, Jim Hartmann points out a plant species the students will need to know for the class. “Quote”  


One of the most popular ducks at Browns Ferry Park is the mallard duck. 


One of the draws to the class is that learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom. “I enjoy having the opportunity to go enjoy what nature has to offer with my friends,” Cody Fretwell, 12 said. “Mr. Hartmann and Mr. Davies teach us a lot about simple things that we take for granted.”

Yearbook Photography 2016-2017


Photographing sports is my favorite thing to do. I received Honorable Mention in Sports Photography at Fall Press Day 2016.

The first module was the first time I took pictures of a soccer game. I wasn’t really sure where to focus and I found that it was a lot harder than I had originally anticipated. I saw the goalkeeper celebrating a few times so I decided to take a few pictures of her each time the ball came her way. I learned that each athlete has a personality and that you just have to watch them play in order to find the real moments to capture.


Keeping in mind that each athlete has a personality, I wanted to get to the cross country meet early to get interviews and to see what each group did before their race. If I hadn’t arrived early, I wouldn’t have been able to photograph the pre-race pep talks and the runners singing while doing their warm-up sprints.


Student Life

In the winter of 2016, West Linn was hit by a snowstorm that didn’t seem to end. I thought it would be nice if we had some pictures of the school covered in snow, especially since there were pink signs everywhere that read “School Closed.” I didn’t know it would turn into a big story, but when the story was assigned, I was the only one with pictures of the school and not other peers.



I wasn’t sure what to do for the photo to go along with this story going into the interviews. I met the interviewees at the house where the youth group was held most of the time and I saw a sign with their logo on it. She was also wearing a shirt that she got from a trip she took with the group and I figured it would be a good feature headshot.